Flight schedule

To help you track our progress, here are our scheduled flights. You can follow the flights at FlightAware.

To Kenya:

  • May 13   United Airlines   UA 6500       Pittsburgh to Dulles/Wash DC     600a    702a     1:02 duration

  • May 13   Ethiopian Airlines   ET 501     Dulles/Wash DC to Addis Ababa     1100a   730a    13:30 duration

  • May 14    Ethiopian Airlines  ET 801     Addis Ababa to Nairobi     1040a   1245p     2:05 duration

Return To Ohio:

  • May 31   Ethiopian Airlines   ET 800     Nairobi to Addis Ababa     600p    805p     2:05 duration

  • May 31   Ethiopian Airlines   ET 500      Addis Ababa to Rome to Dulles/Wash DC     1015p   830a     17:15 duration

  • June 1     United Airlines   UA 5850        Dulles/Wash DC to Cleveland      1220p   139p     1:19 duration



  1. They trailed a ways behind us for a short while before they built up the https://testmyspeed.onl/ courage to come closer. Soon they left all hesitation behind and ran on ahead of us.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is a helpful and informative resource for those who want to follow your journey to Kenya! Having the flight details and links to FlightAware makes it easy to track your progress and stay connected. Thank you for sharing this information
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  4. Safe travels! It's great to have the flight information so we can track your journey. I'm excited to follow along and can't wait to hear about your adventures in Kenya!


  5. Very detailed schedule, thanks for Tunnel Rush sharing the flight schedule


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